Asda trials geotargeted mobile campaign to boost Christmas footfall


Asda has launched a location-based mobile ad campaign in an attempt to drive footfall over the Christmas period.

The Leeds-based retailer is trialling geotargeting network xAd to track consumers’ device IDs and location and deliver targeted ads.

Asda is trialling geotargeted mobile ads Asda is trialling geotargeted mobile ads

xAd claims retailers experience a “store visitation lift” – the number of customers coming through the doors – in excess of 60% on average after running campaigns.

Chris Chalmers, head of digital marketing at Asda, said: “The trial has shown us the true potential for location-based campaigns.

“Early results show a real lift in store visits and we can see the impact of specific promotions which is critical in the run-up to Christmas.”

Coffee chain Starbucks has also been trialling the technology.

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