The Wrap: Darren Hutchinson, Managing Director, Dreamscope TV


Each Friday in The Wrap, one of the North’s leading media and creative figures will be giving us their take on the news covered by Prolific North over the last seven days.

This week it’s the turn of Darren Hutchinson, Managing Director of Manchester-based production company Dreamscope TV.

As a TV and video production company now approaching our 15th year of business and producing TV advertisements of our own, the new Skipton TV advertisement was certainly of interest.

Advertising is a competitive market and the battle is not simply to capture an audience’s attention but to maintain it throughout, particularly in such a low-attention span world. The Skipton ad does this fantastically whilst also tackling a sensitive subject that often people like to brush under the carpet – a success in our eyes!

It is refreshing to see a local company like PR Agency One achieve such global success and recognition.

It is not that long ago that Manchester was renowned for football and music…and still is, but as a Manchester based company ourselves with equally global clientele, Manchester is definitely earning a place on the map for so much more. Having filmed all over the world, in the past we have been asked why a London company weren’t involved. The creative juices in Manchester and the surrounding areas speak for themselves!

The Prolific North Top Scriptwriters 2017Wow, what a success story UKFast are. To see such growth over what is a relatively short space of time is incredible. It is fantastic to read a story about a company whose ethos we like to think is similar to ours – believe and invest in your team and the rest will follow.

We have always known the North West is a hive of talent – how great to see it listed like the Prolific North Top Scriptwriters 2017, particularly as it focuses on those behind the camera – always great when we get recognition too…

It is one thing to ‘film’, another to be innovative with it. At Dreamscope TV, we pride ourselves on keeping up to date with new technologies and kit to ensure our productions are in line with future client needs. With this fantastic piece of kit from Sky Sports, watching football is certainly going to be a much more interactive experience going forward!

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