A Week in My Life: Sophie Attwood, Director, Sophie Attwood Communications


Cheshire-based Sophie Attwood Communications is a PR consultancy specialising in health, beauty, wellness and medical aesthetics.

Offering services across public relations, videography and personal branding, the communications practice works with clients across skincare, anti-ageing devices, distributors and pharmaceuticals.

Sophie Attwood Communications was launched in 2016 and has become a go-to for editors and journalists looking for expert insights into health and wellbeing.

We found out how a week in her life looks…



Call me crazy but I actually love Mondays. After a weekend surrounded by family and friends, I come armed for the start of a new week with positivity, good energy and an all-round determination to achieve.

My day starts at nearly the same time every day, around 6am. It allows me half an hour to collect my thoughts before a whirlwind of activity – getting my daughter ready for nursery and my three (yes, three) dogs out for a quick walk. 

At 9am in the office, we kick off the week with a group meeting – or a brain dump as I fondly call it – where we share ideas for each client’s PR account and form a clear strategy to ensure that we hit the ground running that week.

Sophie Attwood Communications works specifically within the health, wellness and beauty industries so we like to take a look at the current news trends to see how our clients can lead the news stories that week, rather than simply commenting on them.  

And then, once we all have a hot cup of tea in our hands, it’s off for a full morning of pitching ideas to various titles and editors for our clients.

Today, we’re also onboarding new services and new clients. We’ve taken on two new PR clients and launched our social media management offering. We spent a little extra time in the meeting confirming strategy before starting to seed out exciting launch information to our contacts.

After wrapping up at the office for the day, I collect my daughter from nursery, cook dinner and then – once everyone’s in bed – tie up loose ends from press enquiries that may have come in while on mum duties.


Tuesday this week is particularly busy with one of our broadcast days.

Having met our client outside of the TV studio, I sit in the green room with them and brief them about their upcoming interview. Whether the client is speaking about eye health, oral health or menopause policies in the workplace, it’s our job as their PR consultant to prepare them adequately for the interview, calm any nerves and, of course, check that their hair and makeup is looking good!

On the way back from the studio, I call the team to feed back on the day so that they can pitch out to the media with follow up content from the interview and then we talk about the activity on other clients’ accounts.

I return home to see my family, put as much washing in the washing machine as I can fit and then collapse on the sofa to unwind after an early start and busy day. 


I didn’t take maternity leave with my daughter as the business was altogether new, and I had no team to be able to send things to at the time.

So now, every other Wednesday, I always have the day off with her and we have the best “Mummy and Isla day”.

Today we’re going to the safari park. I’ve packed a picnic and we’re off for our day out together – I’m not sure who is the most excited. 


I kick off Thursday with a client meeting at their gorgeous clinic on Harley Street. I feel privileged to be trusted to look after the media relations for some of the most highly respected brands within the industry.

The knowledge flowing down Harley Street never ceases to amaze me and today is no different. I come out of the meeting filled with excitement and positivity, ready to work on the campaign.

In fact, I’m so excited to get started that I sit in a cafe with my laptop instead of heading back as I want to get pen to paper while it’s fresh in my mind. 


Aside from the PR, my other passion project is Hounded: A campaign with a mission to bring into effect a ban on research and testing on dogs in the UK.

I launched it with my good friend and fellow mum and business owner, Penny Weston. We’ve worked incredibly hard over the past few weeks to secure celebrity engagement with the project and to this end we’ve seen support from Simon Pegg, Katherine Ryan, Iain Glen and countless others.

Today, thanks to the wonderful job that Penny has done on the social media front, we received a response from the Government due to the number of signatures on the campaign. We now have to fight even harder to push the campaign forward, reach more people, and get in front of Parliament with our story.

The day continues with more success as we sign two new clients – a new skincare brand and a new natural deodorant brand. It’s going to a busy new year when we return after the Christmas break! 

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