Aldi takes the pith with Stone Roses campaign


As lemons appeared across Manchester, to announce the return of The Stone Roses and their new single, All for One, Aldi jumped on its own citrus-based advertising campaign.

The reactive promotion saw advertisements showing the supermarket’s low price lemons on digital and outdoor media in Manchester.

“At Aldi, we strive to make our customers smile – whether that’s by providing them with quality products at everyday low prices, or through our tongue-in-cheek marketing executions. As for the Stone Roses announcement, we all wait in anticipation and excitement,” said Jonathan Neale, joint managing director of corporate buying at Aldi.

Since appearing on Aldi’s Twitter page, it has had more than 93,000 impressions.

Aldi’s creative advertising account is held by McCann Manchester.

While most of the Twitter response was positive, some were less enthused:

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